One of the things I will miss the most about Texas are Buc-ee’s stores. They’re amazingly huge gas stations with a store full of everything (literally) you could want. It’s a gas station ‘convenience store’ that makes it’s own beef jerky, T-shirts, and has a home & garden section. It’s awesomeness.… Read More

When it rains… it apparently pours all the wrath of Zeus over a 500 mile radius that lasts for three days. After a harrowing last couple days of packing and rushing to the end of the move finish line, we’ve been creeping along on the road for 26 hours and only managed to make it… Read More

Tomorrow I close the chapter on my life at 2H. Strange to think I stumbled into that office nearly seven years ago without a clue as to where my life was headed. But, I suppose that’s exactly how all of us begin every day – unwittingly perched on the edge of what lies ahead. It was the… Read More

We’re down to the last couple weeks before we head out of Houston towards New England. It seems there is a longer list of things to do now than there has been in the past 6 months, with a fraction of any reasonable amount of time left to get it all done! Amidst website polishing for… Read More

If this sounds as skeptical to you as it first did to me, then you and I are in the same boat! During 2015, I finally started to wrap my head around what full-time RV life will be like: all the adventures and all the challenges. I still haven’t experienced it, but I’ve grown accustomed… Read More

It seems that every single time I get the RV out of storage and ready to go somewhere for a weekend or a week, or whatever – there’s something.  Something new and small, but wrong or broken or not quite working right. It’s been the generator on some recent trips, and other times it’s been… Read More

The drive out through west Texas – exiting through El Paso – and then up New Mexico to Albuquerque was gorgeous.  As it turns out, days with ‘great weather’ out in the desert tend to make the long drive tedious and boring.  However, when there are storm clouds on the horizon, things get interesting and colorful.… Read More

When you think about the desert in the South Western US, you probably think browns and tans with maybe some very sparse green.  But, if you’ve spent time in New Mexico, especially the south west of the state, you might also think of another color. White.  Dune after dune of bright white sand.… Read More

Our road trip out to the balloon festival took a bit of a detour on the first night.  Originally our plans included the possibility of a swing through Dallas, but that didn’t pan out as we hoped.  We kept to a more southern route and ended up stopping in Fredricksburg for the night.… Read More