2019-07-05 | Russell Anthony | 2 Comments One of the best parts of my life for the past 12 years has been a little fuzzy white kid named Hazen. He’s a California boy and loves the sunshine and outdoors, no matter what state or country he’s in at the time. The story of how he ended up in my life is probably fairly typical, but the impact he’s had on me and everyone around me has been very extraordinary, so when it came time to get on the road there was no way he wasn’t going to be part of the adventure. Travelling with a pet brings new challenges on top of the fact that he’s an Italian Greyhound and can (potentially) outrun anything around him if he wanted to make a bee line for the horizon. Luckily he’s a stop-and-pee-on-the-roses kind of kid and never strays more than 10 feet from mom or dad’s feet even when he’s ‘roaming free’ in a camp site. However we still have to take more factors into consideration than travelers without pets. Even more so because, in the spring of 2017, he got a little brother to follow him around and use him as a pillow during nap times. Otis (aka Oat, Oatmeal, Goat) is one of 3 boys born unexpectedly to a rescued IG in Houston, and has been quite the little cowboy from day one. Growing up in Hazen’s house led to a natural curiosity and confidence about the world that most Iggies never develop. Hazen and Otis relaxing in their Dog Pockets while mom chauffeurs them around the country When we’re on the road the boys are usually riding back seat or shotgun in Melody’s SUV. Otis isn’t a big fan of the noise the RV makes when we move from place to place! When we’re stopped and parked however, both of them are very comfortable with the house where all of their toys, food, Dog Pockets, and humans are. Most of the places we stop in these days we’ve been to multiple times previously or for longer duration, so they are also fairly comfortable with the surroundings they’re often in. When inside the RV, the living room couch is a popular spot for relaxing in a Dog Pocket, or directly in the sun. The 2 large windows on either side of the living room give them plenty of visibility to the world, and they also get to stay close to the food and water. If the Melodic View trailer is in use, you can find Hazen relaxing in his own ‘desk’ there with Otis not too far away, both snuggled in even more pockets. For dinner time, and those (not so) rare nights when the energy levels are just too high around bed time, the bottom bunk becomes their home to relax in – until they’re actually relaxed! It’s been dubbed ‘The Fort’ as it gives them a cozy spot within line of sight to the bedroom, but out of arm/legs reach! A quick “Go to your Fort” command, and the boys know it’s time to take a deep breath and count to 10 while the humans relax for a minute. Of course when there’s places to go outside – that’s where we go and have fun! Blackberries fresh off the bush on the Olympic Peninsula are a favorite snack during walks. Front & back yards at family homes in Colorado are always a welcome play area. Bike rides around the OBX in North Carolina? Yes please! And in Las Vegas they have their favorite IG meet-ups and plenty of off-road trail options in the Jeep. Even though we have to make sure to keep food and water full, collars and leashes in every vehicle, and the A/C running during the warmer times of year when they’re home alone for short periods of time… Life is much more relaxing, and exciting when you walk through it with #AdventureDogs by your side! Share this:Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window)Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window) Related
Hi Russell! I was your middle seat flying friend from LAX to Portland last Thursday. I loved hearing your stories of your adventures and look forward to reading about many more! Safe travels always to the three of you! Reply
Hey there! Sorry for the long delay in replying but, work being work… anyway, thanks for checking out the blog and yes there should be some updates soon! Nice to hear from you 🙂 Reply